"What if you could change lives every day just by doing what you do...." Masami Sato
The Why
As the owner and founder of AquaDash, I am passionate about giving back and making the world a better place for everyone. Partnering with the B1G1 global giving initiative, I am proud to be actively bringing about positive change in communities around the world.
Masami Sato, founder of B1G1 (Buy 1 Give 1), once said something that resonates with me and is why I choose to give back through this initiative. She talks about how too often we think about how when we are successful we will give back. Why wait, success is always a goal away and therefore so is the giving. With this program I can give what I am able to today regardless of how big or small it is and know that I am helping someone somewhere. Why wait until tomorrow hoping to give more, when we can give something right now....
The How
A portion of every purchase made through AquaDash is contributed to our giving story with B1G1. Each month we (staff and family) choose a community or program and we send funds their way. Its such a pleasure and a highlight of the month.
Some of our giving impacts to date have included clean water for families in Africa, bathroom facilities in India and footwear for school children in Cambodia.
And the best part...When you purchase something from us, its like we make a contribution on your behalf! You will automatically make giving a part of what you do too! I hope you think this is as awesome as I do!

Here is a look at our B1G1 impacts to date!
Swim Parka Donations

July 2022 - We are proud to have donated Swim Parkas to Splash Physiotherapy in Victoria. It was Shayna's passion, values and purpose that attracted our attention. She offers aquatic and land based physiotherapy for babies, children and young people.

February 2022 - We are proud to have donated Swim Parkas to the Rainbow Club in NSW. Rainbow Club is a network of social swimming clubs for children with a disability. With NDIS Provider status and their unique Swim the Rainbow program, Rainbow Club offers a fun and safe community for children with a disability to have personalised swimming lessons catered to their needs.

August 2021 - We are proud to have donated Swim Parkas to the Rainbow Club in Victoria. As a registered charity, the Rainbow Club encourage and enable NDIS members to participate in community activities. Commencing in November 2010 with just 4 members and 1 swim teacher; they now have more than 1,500 members on their register and provide swim lessons, support worker services and social activities across multiple locations operating seven days a week with calls to establish additional activities and services throughout Australia and beyond.
Get in touch
Have questions about your order, or a general enquiry?